TUI Future Fund

The TUI Future Fund offers emergency relief for children and young people in need when a disaster strikes – especially in holiday destinations.

Putting access to education at the centre of its strategy, it collaborates with UNICEF to provide support in emergency situations. UNICEF’s global emergency relief programme helps to build a better future for young people around the world.

Emergency situations like earthquakes or hurricanes especially expose children and families and threaten their lives and well-being. Whenever a disaster strikes immediate action is therefore needed.

With an active presence in 190 countries, UNICEF global coverage means that it’s likely to already be working in a destination before a disaster strikes. So it knows where and how support is needed both during and after a disaster relief operation.

UNICEF believes that all children have a right to survive, thrive and fulfil their potential to benefit a better world. This goes hand in hand with the TUI Care Foundation's ambition to enable children and young people to reach their full potential.

Education and emergency relief are strongly related. UNICEF figures reveal that nearly a quarter of the world’s children live in conflict or disaster-stricken countries. For children in emergencies, education can be a game changer or even lifesaving. Schools provide children with a stable and protective environment. In the long term education is key to economic growth, reduction of poverty and inequality. It is also a key contributor to peace and stability.

But despite its enormous benefits, education is often the first service to be suspended and the last service to be restored in crisis-affected communities. It also accounts for less than 2% of total humanitarian aid. Providing textbooks and classroom kits or setting up child-friendly spaces to learn in disaster zones can therefore make a big difference for the communities affected when a disasters strike.

Our collaboration with UNICEF and its global emergency relief programme helps us to build a better future for young people worldwide.


UNICEF works in over 190 countries and territories to save children’s lives, defend their rights and help them fulfil their potential, from early childhood through to adolescence.

UNICEF is on the ground before, during, and after emergencies, working to reach children and families with lifesaving aid and long-term assistance.


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