By adopting a turtle, you’re helping to protect endangered loggerhead turtles and their nesting sites on beaches, increase hatchling survival rates and raise awareness in tourism destinations about the importance of protecting the marine turtle population.
Your tree adoption will help to support the care of a newly planted tree seedling in one of the TUI Care Foundation’s forests around the world. The TUI Forests programme puts forests at the centre of thriving destination communities. It plants new trees and supports local people to build thriving livelihoods, through community managed tree nurseries and the creation of forest-based tourism experiences.
Your coral reef star adoption directly supports the TUI Care Foundation’s project partner Living Seas Foundation in Bali and the TUI Care Foundation’s TUI Sea the Change Programme. The programme focuses on ocean, coastal and marine ecosystems and on creating and expanding marine protected areas. As well as protecting and restoring coral reefs, mangroves, seaweed and seagrass, it safeguards sea animals and ensures the survival of important coastal ecosystems. It also supports the economic wellbeing of coastal communities which rely on tourism.