Dans le cadre de la Journée mondiale du tourisme de 2020, la TUI Care Foundation a lancé une web-série hebdomadaire, dans laquelle des experts et des travailleurs de terrain prennent part à des discussions sur les dernières tendances dans des domaines variés allant du plastique à usage unique et de l’entrepreneuriat social à l’agriculture régénératrice et à l’enseignement. Cette web-série continue montre de quelle manière le secteur du tourisme contribue à l'amélioration des conditions de vie dans les destinations à travers le monde et exploite les opportunités qui existent pour intensifier cet impact du tourisme dans le travail de développement.

Vous vouez une passion à l'un de ces thèmes? Vous souhaitez en apprendre plus sur ceux-ci ou comprendre comment le tourisme y joue un rôle? Vous avez des connaissances et des compétences à partager avec nous parce que vous avez déjà travaillé dans les domaines du développement et du tourisme durables? Quelles que soient vos raisons, nous serions heureux de vous accueillir parmi nous lors de ces sessions publiques interactives en ligne.

Cliquez ci-dessous pour visionner les vidéos de nos discussions de groupe.

La web-série Linking & Learning est en anglais.


100 Helping Hands Corona Relief Activities

The TUI Care Foundation invites you to join a special edition of our Linking & Learning Web Series dedicated to our 100 Helping Hands Corona Relief Activities.

The Corona crisis has brought unprecedented challenges to communities all around the world and it’s been especially difficult for the people whose livelihoods depend on tourism. The TUI Care Foundation’s Corona Relief Programme is working with local communities in holiday destinations during the current emergency situation.

Join us to hear from three organisations supported by the TUI Care Foundation and find out about providing online education in Sri Lanka, offering COVID-19 awareness training in Turkey and distributing food to families in Morocco.


Watch the full panel discussion here 
Recorded on December 1st, 2020.

Digital transformation in development

Digital technology is a powerful tool for sustainable development in tourism destinations. It helps local businesses access information and new markets, communicate easily with their customers and scale up their operations efficiently. We can already see the benefits of this in areas of development like agriculture, education and finance. But 2020 has brought its own challenges and there's still a long way to go. Now, more than ever, investing in digital technology can support sustainable development and help communities be more resilient. The panelists share how they’ve used ICT and digital technology in their own organisations and explore how this could work in tourism destinations and communities.

Can digital technology support sustainable development in tourism destinations?



Watch the full panel discussion here
Recorded on November 10th, 2020.

The power of tourism education

10% of jobs worldwide are in tourism. But securing a job is not easy for everyone. Education and capacity building programmes can create vital career opportunities in tourism destinations, especially for women and unemployed young people in vulnerable, marginalised communities. Find out how the TUI Care Foundation has developed a sustainable and replicable solution through its TUI Academy Programme to train students and link them with internships at hotels.

Can tourism create sustainable career opportunities for disadvantaged young people?



Watch the full panel discussion here
Recorded on November 3rd, 2020. 

Tourism and regenerative agriculture

Regenerative agriculture improves food security and nutrition and is recognised as a critical tool in climate action. It restores landscapes, rebuilds biological ecosystems and empowers agricultural livelihoods. Join the conversation with our panel of experts who will talk about why regenerative agriculture contributes to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals and discuss what tourism can do to support its growth.

Can tourism be a key driver behind regenerative agriculture?


Watch the full panel discussion here 
Recorded on October 27th, 2020.

Social inclusion of indigenous communities

While indigenous communities make up 5% of the world population, they steward 80% of the planet's biodiversity. They are resourceful and represent the history and heritage of a destination whilst adding tremendous value to the touristic experience. Yet their economic participation is little. With the touristic demand for authentic experiences on the rise, indigenous tourism has an opportunity to grow. This panel seeks to explore existing examples of indigenous tourism, the challenges, lessons learnt and opportunities at hand.

How can we increase the economic participation of indigenous communities through tourism?



Watch the full panel discussion here
Recorded on October 20th, 2020.

Social entrepreneurship and technology

In tourism, more and more entrepreneurs put a social cause at the heart of their business model. Digital tools are an opportunity to generate revenue and achieve social impact at the same time. However, accessibility, affordability, the rural-urban digital divide and localisation of social entrepreneurial tech solutions remain a challenge. This panel highlights examples and discusses the impact and risks of using technology as a social entrepreneur in tourism.

Can digital technology encourage investment in social tourism enterprises and increase their impact?


Watch the full panel discussion here
Recorded on October 13th, 2020. 

Reducing single-use plastics in development work

Plastic is an eight million tonnes per year global problem, which every community around the world needs to address. The panel shares its expertise and experience from international organisations and tourism enterprises on how to better manage plastics in the context of development work.


Watch the full panel discussion here 
Recorded on October 6th, 2020. 

Tourism Foundations in focus

What role do Tourism Foundations play in the sustainable development of destinations and how can our work strengthen development cooperation?


Watch the full panel discussion here 
Recorded on September 28th, 2020.

Linking & Learning Videos

Tourism Foundations in focus
Reducing single-use plastics in development work
Social entrepreneurship and technology
Social inclusion of indigenous communities
Tourism and regenerative agriculture
The power of tourism education
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